E xcerpt from Roland Hughes' book, "John Smith Last Known Survivor of the Microsoft Wars" SK: That still doesn’t explain E...

E xcerpt from Roland Hughes' book, "John Smith Last Known Survivor of the Microsoft Wars" SK: That still doesn’t explain E...
Note to reader: These interview questions are being answered by John E. Wade II (JW) and Charlotte Livingston Piotrwoski (CP), as indic...
Who is your favorite author? That’s impossible, that’ like choosing a favorite child, however some of my favorites are Napoleon Hill, Fri...
As we rolled into the next day and the sun was illuminating the fog around us, Dominique saw an extremely large target that wasn’t moving...
What inspired me to write Moxie’s Problem I first developed a version of the Moxie character more than ten years ago. Originally, she was...
How To Network Online to Sell Your Book First, I must print this disclaimer. I’m not a marketing individual. And I, James, the second...
What to Expect From a Pitch Conference Pitch conferences are fun for writers who enjoy punishment, meeting new people, describing in o...