PART ONE: SHOULD OLD ACQUAINTANCE BE FORGOT? ABBY Abby had to work on New Year’s Eve. She didn’t know if she felt worse for the sad sacks...

PART ONE: SHOULD OLD ACQUAINTANCE BE FORGOT? ABBY Abby had to work on New Year’s Eve. She didn’t know if she felt worse for the sad sacks...
LIMITED TIME OFFER! This collection of the first 4 books of the Post-Human Series tells the epic and fast-paced story of the futur...
Excerpt from Deleted Chapter at a strange Paris shop. Fun, but it didn’t further the mystery enough. Dark gleaming eyes watched her. Blac...
As she looked out at the courtroom, her eyes found Butler’s. Only someone who knew them and was watching carefully would have noted the tran...
Alpha males and the women who can kick their butts I’ve read a great deal of paranormal fiction in the past few years, many of them romance...
Of Humans, Chimps and Neanderthals I recently saw an intriguing NOVA episode on PBS called ‘Decoding the Neanderthals’. The subject of hum...
Goodnight, Gustav Klein Chapter I Change * Stark parades of wintry air pounded the reddened face of Gustav Klein. He was u...
Excerpt from Chapter Four It was eleven fifteen, and there was no sign of Melati. She could have been late for a number of reasons, or a c...
Tell us your most rewarding experience since being published. My most rewarding experience has been meeting all of these remarkable au...
What makes you happiest? I am happy when the people (and dogs) that I love are happy. And I am always happy when I’m writing or playin...