Chapter One The dark concrete corridor stretched out before him, smelling of blood and semen and terror. Roarke had been here before, thes...

Chapter One The dark concrete corridor stretched out before him, smelling of blood and semen and terror. Roarke had been here before, thes...
Sometimes justice needs a hand. When a young lawyer for the number one environmental law firm in Seattle is found dead on Mount Rainier, ...
1 Peace and innocence The peace and solitude of the small prairie town that Patty and I had lived in during the early years of our marriag...
Awaken - RM Daigle Amazon Kindle US Amazon Kindle UK Genre - Contemporary Fantasy Rating - PG 4.4 (88 reviews) Free until 1...
Merrin and Pearl are at it again! This time these two young Human Body Detectives are exploring the skeletal system. With the ability to ju...
Dancing Shadows, Tramping Hooves is a collection of half a dozen short stories. Tales of outsiders who discover they belong, a humorous sli...
Three Straws The same dream kept coming for Eli, and it was terrible. The worst part about it was the faces of children who chased him th...
The Inspiration Behind The Point of No Return by JD Combs There were so many factors that caused me to write this book. The most import...
1 Play Ball Take me out to the ball game, Take me out with the crowd Buy me some peanuts and cracker jack, I don’t care if I never get bac...
*** This is NOT Book 4 This is a compilation of Books 1-3 *** In the Enchanted World, true love’s first kiss is magic. Nandana’s Mark,...
Pet Peeves Of The Publishing Industry by NS Wikarski Everybody knows that one of the chief benefits of hitting yourself over the head with...
Will To Love - Miranda P. Charles Amazon Kindle US Amazon Kindle UK Genre - Contemporary Romance Rating - R 3.3 (16 reviews) Free unt...
Chapter Seven “We need to come up with a plan. It’s time to make a move.” He knew what the answer was going to be. It was the same one he’...
10 Things I Wish I Knew About Being an Author I Didn’t Know Before by John Hartnett 1.There actually isn’t a federal law that writers mus...
Stories within Stories: Stories Told by the Protagonist by Garry Rogers The protagonist in a novel often imagines or recalls events that...
DAY 3 – MARCH 2008 FCTIS INTERROGATION CENTRE - ROOM 2 Rufus Reed stared at the light as if trying to assimilate it into his soul. To be...