Set against the backdrop of Soviet, post-war Russia, Birth of an Assassin follows the transformation of Jez Kornfeld from wide-eyed recruit...
The Photo Traveler (The Photo Traveler Series) by Arthur J. Gonzalez
CHAPTER ONE I can’t ask for a better day to be out shooting. Man, what a view. Something about how the sun’s rays press against the faint d...
#Free–Penalty Clause by Lori Ryan @loriryanauthor
Penalty Clause by Lori Ryan Amazon Kindle US Genre – Romantic Suspense Rating – R 4.5 (42 reviews) Free until 24 October 2013 To keep...
Chris Myers – Dos and don’ts of critique groups @CMyersFiction
Dos and don’ts of critique groups 1. Always start with the positive. 2. Always end on a positive note. 3. Do be honest but tactful. 4...
#Free - Night of the Purple Moon by Scott Cramer @cramer_scott
Abby, 13, is looking forward to watching the moon turn purple, unaware that deadly bacteria from a passing comet will soon kill off older t...
Colony East (The Toucan Trilogy #2) by Scott Cramer @cramer_scott
When the bacteria that killed most of world’s adults undergo a deadly mutation, 15-year-old Abby must make the dangerous journey to Colon...
Author Interview – Mark LaFlamme
If you could leave your readers with one bit of wisdom, what would you want it to be? It is almost never the letter E. If you think about th...
Guinevere: On the Eve of Legend by Cheryl Carpinello
Chapter 1 The Hunt G uinevere stared into the shadows along the edge of the forest. She could hear Cedwyn shifting from foot to foot besid...
#AmReading - Beyond Nostalgia by Tom Winton @TomWinton
Beyond Nostalgia by Tom Winton Amazon Born with blue in his collar instead of his veins, best-selling author Dean Cassidy chronicles his ...