When seven strangers impossibly survive a horrific airplane crash, they find themselves changed in remarkable ways. The survivors are endow...

When seven strangers impossibly survive a horrific airplane crash, they find themselves changed in remarkable ways. The survivors are endow...
5. The next morning Molly got up and went to class, prepared to hear the groans from her Modern Poetry class for their late papers. She us...
Death Ain’t But A Word - Zander Marks Amazon Kindle US Amazon Kindle UK Genre - Urban Fantasy Rating - PG13 4.4 (29 reviews) Free un...
A contemporary romance. Rebecca Miller is a gifted veterinarian with an extraordinary understanding of animal behavior. She is leading a f...
Things You Didn’t Know About BoX Could I write a story that takes place in a single location, such as a cube, and keep the reader drawn t...
This is a joint AUTHOR & BLOGGER GIVEAWAY EVENT! Bloggers & Authors have joined together and each chipped in a little money towar...
Chapter 2: A Detective, pursuing a lead not likely to produce significant results, comes upon a young girl needing to solve a certain myster...
Malled: A Tale of Revenge by Lee Tidball My rating: 4 of 5 stars What are some of the book's themes? Horror, murder and revenge. The ...
1 At the Threshold of the Gate The lieutenant retired to his quarters, removed his tunic, and tossed it across the arm of a chair. He thre...
Script To Novel; Help for the Almost-Always Jilted Screenwriter – Part Three by Lee Tidball Once you’ve finished novelizing your screenp...
What else do you do to make money, other than write? It is rare today for writers to be full time… I write and produce documentaries on avi...
Transcender: First Time - Vicky Savage Amazon Kindle US Amazon Kindle UK Genre - Fantasy Rating - PG 4.6 (68 reviews) Free unti...
In Social Media, Do Our Vulnerabilities Make Us Stronger? by Rachel Thompson I read an article recently that discussed how our vulnerab...
CHAPTER 1 KATIE MADE HER way to the back of the plane. Lightheaded, heart still racing, she stood in the galley and spotted a tray o...
Five Steps To Writing Your First Self-Help Book by Brian Cormack Carr I self-published my first self-help book How To Find Your Vital Vo...
P A R T O N E They Will Live in Infamy Chapter One NO ONE turned off the radio as the sheriff and mortician carried a body down the sta...
Chapter Two “What the hell is going on?” Chase demanded as he checked Chelsea once more. The bandage and seal were working; bleeding and l...