Bosom Bodies by Maria Grazia Swan Amazon Italian-born Mina Calvi has a way of finding trouble, but when she offers to help a friend by mo...
The Angel & The Brown-Eyed Boy – Sandy Nathan @sandyonathan
1 When the girl appeared on the sidewalk, the edges of her body and clothing were fuzzy, as though all of her hadn’t arrived. She looked u...
Once Humans by Massimo Marino @Massim0Marin0
Memories From Dan Amenta’s Journal We had the perfect life in the French-Swiss countryside until that mysterious windstorm in February. No...
Merry Farmer – The Right Way and the Wrong Way to Promote Your Book Online @MerryFarmer20
The Right Way and the Wrong Way to Promote Your Book Online Okay, I’m going to say this right up front at the beginning. Pay attention, b...
#AmReading - In Search of Lucy by Lia Fairchild @LiaFairchild
In Search of Lucy by Lia Fairchild Amazon Lucy Lang's life is spiraling out of control. For years she sacrificed her own needs to car...
An Infinitesimal Abundance of Color by Mark David Major, Layce Boswell @markdmajor
Buy Now @ Amazon Genre – Juvenile Fiction/Bedtime and Dreams Rating – G More details about the author and the book Connect with Mar...
#Author Brian Bloom on His #Thriller Novel "Beyond Neanderthal" @BrianB_Aust
Can you share a little of your current work with us? I tend to break my life down into “projects”. Right now my project is to market my t...
Author Interview – Deidre D Havrelock @deidrehavrelock
What is your favorite scene in the book and why do you love it? My favorite scene in my memoir Saving Mary: The Possession is at the beg...
#Free - Hannah’s Dream by Lenore Butler @ALJambor
Hannah’s Dream by Lenore Butler Amazon Kindle US Genre – Historical Romance Rating – PG 5 (6 reviews) Free until 30 December 2013 A s...