Why did you choose to write this particular book? Because the story came to me out of nowhere and I felt compelled to write it.
What was the hardest part about writing this book? Finishing the first draft and thinking I’d accomplished something, only to re-write it and re-write it again, then hire an editor who was honest enough to tell me it needed a lot of work and how to make it better, so it was re-written again. As if that wasn’t enough, he and I went through it one more time and I had a few proofreaders check it too. At that point it was the best I could put out with my current writing skills.
Did you learn anything from writing this book and what was it? I learned in order to finish I had to work a lot harder than I’ve worked on other things. Seems there is always more to learn, which I like. I’m kind of a nerd that way.
How do you promote this book? Every way possible: Facebook fan page, author website, twitter, paid ads, tweet teams, press releases, blog interviews, basically anything I can think up.
Will you write others in this same genre? Definitely. I’ve got a few ideas brewing already. Just lack time as I still have a regular job too. It’s a juggling act.
Is there a message in your novel that you want readers to grasp? That you never know what is around the corner and you can’t always plan for it.
How much of the book is realistic? I think all of it could happen to a person. There aren’t any vampires or werewolves in the story, not that that’s a bad thing. I’m a huge Twilight fan.
Have you included a lot of your life experiences, even friends, in the plot? I’ve included life experiences I’ve observed others have, and used many friends/family names as characters in the plot. My nephew, Tyler, is almost spot on the child in the story.
How important do you think villains are in a story? I think villains are very important. But they shouldn’t be all bad. The best ones are the type that either you can relate to on some level or compel you to like them in some way, like Hannibal Lecter.
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Genre – Women’s Fiction
Rating – PG
More details about the author
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Website http://www.kimcano.com/
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