Monday, February 25, 2013

Review: Ghost Leopard by Lars Guignard

Zoe & Zak and the Ghost Leopard (Zoe & Zak Adventures, #1)Zoe & Zak and the Ghost Leopard by Lars Guignard
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Were there any other especially interesting characters? Mukta and Amala. Outside the two main characters, these two offered a rich background to the story.

Was location important to the story? The book club and I have discussed this. We feel this book could only happen in India. The story about the different gods and the setting would only work in the location that it was set in.

What did you think of the style of the writer? I like the writers style. It was memorable and full of adventure. Looking forward to reading others books in this series.

Disclosure: I received a review copy of this book from the author.

View all my reviews


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